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Quote from Tim in Howard's End

Jill: Tim, what are you talking about?
Tim: Truth is, I... I do judge myself on my possessions and what I bring into this house. But you do so much, how do I put a price tag on that?
Jill: Try.
Tim: Aha. I knew you were gonna say that. So I figured this out at work today and wrote down what you should've earned, could I have afforded to pay you, for all the 12 and a half years of work you've done around the house. And, even though I wasn't legally bound to do this, I threw in a bonus for the pain of childbirth.
Jill: That'd better be a big bonus.
Tim: Honey, I was there. I know what you went through.
Jill: Oh, you do, do you?
Tim: Yes. It was painful for me too. All that screaming hurt my ears.

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