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Quote from Tim in Abandoned Family

Jill: Fine. If you don't wanna talk about it, then I'm just gonna figure it out by myself.
Tim: And that, my dear, is the problem. You wanna do everything by yourself. There are two people. The other person here is me. And you gotta learn how to let me do some of the stuff the way I wanna do it.
Jill: Like giving the boys lunch money? Uh, burning down the kitchen? Riding the thing around the garage?
Tim: Hold on. Back the truck up. Some of the things went well today, you know.
Jill: Tim, look around you. You practically wrecked the house.
Tim: I'll have you know I wrecked this house long before you ever got a job. And I'll be wrecking this house long after you got a job. And the kids were dressed, they had their breakfast, they got to school, they had their lunch and they came home and they were safe. So maybe my way wasn't that dangerous after all, and some of the things did work, didn't they?
Jill: Well, that washing machine...
Tim: What about the washing machine?
Jill: That was pretty cool.
Tim: [grunts] You liked that, huh?

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