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Quote from Al in Abandoned Family

Al: Well, Tim, I also have a helpful household hint. I'm going to show the audience something you don't ordinarily do with a potato.
Tim: You might wanna keep the kids away from the TV set.
Al: Tim.
Al: Here's a safe way to take a broken bulb from its socket. You simply take a cut potato, jam it into the socket, twist...
Tim: And in minutes you have thousands of curly fries. A wonderful snack for TV time...
Al: Tim. Tim. Tim! I doubted the razor, but I gave it a chance. Please do not mock my potato.
Tim: You say, "potato," I say, "stupid."
Al: Tim, this'll work. You twist, and pull the broken bulb right out of the socket. But first, you must...
Tim: Jam it in the light.
[Sparks fly when Tim sticks the potato into the light. He trembles as he grabs his jacket and walks off set]
Al: Unplug the lamp.

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