Lorelai Quote #2449

Quote from Lorelai in To Whom It May Concern

Lorelai: Wow, you're home early. I'm sorry it's such a mess. Um, the magic socks took us back in time. We were cavemen. It was really bleak, so we lived like this. I would've cleaned up, but when they woke up, the magic socks were gonna take us to an orphanage in England where they had to tidy up in exchange for one teaspoon of gruel.


 ‘To Whom It May Concern’ Quotes

Quote from Paris

Paris: So, we seem to have a block of eight days here in late March that is disturbingly free of resume-building activity. Might be a good time to commit to some volunteer work. I'm not crazy about wheeling around elderlies in bathrobes, so I'm leaning towards tree planting.

Quote from Paris

Rory: I'm not being lazy, Paris. I'm not interested in being a lawyer. I'm interested in journalism.
Paris: Just because you go to law school doesn't mean you have you have to be a lawyer. Look at Dan Abrams. He's a journalist, but because of his law degree, he became the face of the Scott Peterson trial.
Rory: I don't want to be the face of the Scott Peterson trial, and I hate Dan Abrams. I will also not be taking the MCATs.
Paris: Sanjay Gupta, senior medical correspondent at CNN. Right now, he's got the market cornered.
Rory: Well, good for Sanjay.

Quote from Paris

Rory: What's all this?
Paris: This is the game plan for what I call Operation Finish Line.
Rory: Need more.
Paris: Okay. We only have five months left before we leave the warm and comforting bosom of this university and face the bitterly cold shoulder of the real world.
Rory: "We"?
Paris: You and I. You're the green marker. Green was a random choice, not a subtle comment about how inexperienced you are with real-life matters. Then again, maybe it was.