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Quote from Paris in Normal Mailer, I'm Pregnant

Rory: It's just a dream, Paris.
Paris: You made veal parmigiana, and it felt very real.
Rory: I don't make veal parmigiana. I don't make anything, and I don't want the religion beat. I want features, you know that.
Paris: You say you want features.
Rory: And I mean it.
Paris: Dreams tell you things. It's our subconscious talking to us. Warning us, telling us about things that are happening.
Rory: Paris.
Paris: My dream was telling me that you are stabbing me in the back with your veal parmigiana.
Rory: Well, I must have really overcooked it then.
Paris: Let me smell your hands.
Rory: Oh, go away!
Paris: You used a lot of garlic.
Rory: Bye.

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