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Quote from Dean in A Messenger, Nothing More

Lorelai: It's a letter for you from Rory.
Dean: What happened? Where is she?
Lorelai: Just take the letter.
Dean: She went to Europe, right? Miss Patty said she went to Europe. What happened? What's she doing there? Who is she with?
Lorelai: Dean.
Dean: When's she getting back?
Lorelai: Soon. Just take it.
Dean: Where is she?
Lorelai: Europe.
Dean: With who?
Lorelai: Her grandmother. Look, take it.
Dean: No. Why did she go? I mean, whose idea was it?
Lorelai: That doesn't matter.
Dean: It does.
Lorelai: Dean, please. I'm a messenger, nothing more. Just take it.

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