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Quote from Paris in Lorelai Out of Water

Paris: I hold in my hand evidence accusing one Rory Gilmore of committing high crimes and misdemeanors.
Rory: What?
Mr. Hunter: Paris, what's going on here?
Paris: Miss Gilmore has been conspiring with the various factions of this school to weaken the efficacy of this administration.
Rory: You're really pathetic, you know that?
Paris: You'll have your chance to address these charges when I'm done.
Rory: What charges?
Paris: First on the list, espionage.
Rory: Espionage?
Paris: Gathering privileged information and divulging it to the enemy.
Rory: What privileged information? Prom colors are green and pink, pass it on?
Paris: Next on our list, the most serious crime – treason.
Rory: I'm sorry I talked about Jamie.
Paris: And having a big mouth. That's going on the list also.

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