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Quote from Lorelai in Eight O'Clock at the Oasis

Lorelai: The red skirt is not working.
Rory: Try the blue.
Lorelai: Blue let me down ten minutes ago, I think it's conspiring with the red.
Rory: I wish you'd just wear the dress we picked out this morning.
Lorelai: No, you know as well as I do, the morning butt and evening butt are two completely different butts.
Rory: Well, whatever butt you've got tonight had better hurry because he's gonna be here any minute.
Lorelai: Rats. Fine, okay, striped skirt, burgundy sweater, that's it. What do you think? And remember, I'm wearing this no matter what because I cannot spend one more second deciding what to wear, so the answer has to be, "You look fantastic".
Rory: You look fantastic.

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