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Quote from Michel in Pulp Friction

Sookie: Boy, that's weird. Jackson's cousin Monty did the Price is Right, and he told us that the contestants had to get up at the crack of dawn, sit in line for hours with hundreds of tourists, and then show how enthusiastic of a contestant they would be. You know, jumping up and down, screaming and yelling.
Michel: You don't say.
Sookie: Yeah.
Michel: And they had to wear embarrassing t-shirts that said things like "Pick Me, Bob! I neutered my dog!" And they spent weeks studying the price of Turtle wax and Hamburger Helper.
Michel: Okay, fine! I may have jumped a little, but I did not wear a t-shirt.
Lorelai: Michel. What would Nick Lachey's teeth guy say?
Michel: Make fun if you want, but I walked away the winner of over a $100,000 of cash and prizes.

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