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Quote from Lorelai in Love, Daisies and Troubadours

Rory: I'm sorry. The oil-vat guy was mean.
Lorelai: Yes, and we knew him. He used to live in town. That guy who used to run the auto body shop before Maybin Hewes bought it. Remember him?
Rory: No.
Lorelai: Of course you do. He was really skinny.
Rory: Peter Stringbean?
Lorelai: No. That was the tall circus-freaky guy who worked for him. This was the owner. What was his name?
Rory: I don't know.
Lorelai: Yes, you do. Come on. It's gonna bug me all day. He was short and fat and his name was....
Rory: Johnny McShort-and-Fat?
Lorelai: Oh, now, don't mock.

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