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Quote from Dean in Cinnamon's Wake

Dean: Good book?
Rory: I don't know yet.
Dean: I saw you standing in line, so I thought I'd say hello. Hello?
Rory: Hello.
Dean: Hey, thanks for helping me get the job at the store. I mean, it's not a career or anything, but it's got me solvent.
Rory: Solvent is good.
Dean: Yeah. Are you always this serious?
Rory: No.
Dean: So, how long does it take you to get to school?
Rory: Um, forty minutes if the bus driver's focused but longer if he's trying to win something on the radio.
Dean: Hey, this bus is going to Hartford.
Rory: Yeah, I know. But you go to school here. You have to get off the bus. Hey, he has to get off the bus.
Dean: Wait. You're forgetting something. Buses make stops. Goodbye, Lorelai Gilmore.

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