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Quote from Paris in Lorelai's First Cotillion

Paris: How's the sex?
Rory: Um, well, seeing as he's in London and I'm here, the sex is pretty much nonexistent.
Paris: You've got a phone. Use it.
Rory: What? You mean... I can't do that. I talk to my mother on that phone.
Paris: Okay, what about texting?
Rory: No. No, thank you.
Paris: Why not? You say stuff when you're together, don't you?
Rory: Yeah, I guess. Sometimes.
Paris: So, text it. Texting is great. And you can do it while you're doing other things. Doyle and I are doing it right now.
Rory: What? Oh, my God!
Paris: Don't worry. This is advanced. Right now, all you're looking to do is create some intimacy. Stick to the basics.

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