Frasier Quote #3526

Quote from Frasier in Goodnight, Seattle

Frasier: We had a big party that night. It was all very sweet.
Anne: What was that?
Frasier: Oh, good heavens. We've touched down.
Anne: Already? [laughs] Well, thank you so much, I've never had an easier flight.
Frasier: And I've never had more delightful company.
Anne: I think it's great what you're doing.
Frasier: Well, I just know I'd always regret it if I didn't take the chance.
Pilot: [v.o] Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to Chicago.
Frasier: Wish me luck.


 ‘Goodnight, Seattle’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Man: Here to pick up a chair.
Frasier: Right. It's right there.
Man: Sorry I'm late.
Frasier: It's all right.
Man: Been waiting long?
Frasier: Eleven years. Uh, be careful with it.

Quote from Bebe

Bebe: Anyway, they want you to replace him and the money's huge.
Frasier: Poor Mark. What a ghastly way to die.
Bebe: Yes, I cried so hard it was all I could do to stuff your demo tape in the Fed-Ex pouch. But they want you!

Quote from Frasier

[In the radio booth, Frasier hosts his final show and finishes with the same Tennyson poem he recited for his family. Roz's booth is packed with Frasier's radio colleagues. The corridor behind Frasier's window is filled with Frasier's family.]
Frasier: "Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
I've been thinking about that poem a lot lately. And I think what it says is that, while it's tempting to play it safe, the more we're willing to risk, the more alive we are. In the end, what we regret most are the chances we never took. And I hope that explains a little this journey on which I'm about to embark. I have loved every minute with my KACL family and all of you. For eleven years you have heard me say, "I'm listening." Well, you were listening, too. And for that I am eternally grateful. Goodnight, Seattle.