Roz Quote #302

Quote from Roz in First, Do No Harm

Roz: [talking fast] Frasier. Frasier. You will not believe this. Little Alice said her first word today. It was "Ma." Or it
may have been "moo." Mary, that's the sitter, gave her this little toy cow. She's always doing stuff like that. I love Mary. I love this little cow, too. It's the cutest little thing. It's brown and white. Well, that's a jersey cow, right? Well, that's where Mary's from, Jersey. [to a passing waiter] Yeah, I'll take a splash more. You know, I stopped nursing yesterday and boy have I missed this stuff. Cup of mud, java, my old friend Joe. Oh, that's funny, Mary's husband's name is Joe. Oh, my God, he's picking her up. I gotta go. This has been fun. You look great, nice talking with you.


 ‘First, Do No Harm’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: See that, Roz? The public still craves the kind of excitement that only Frasier Crane can provide. [Roz is asleep.] Roz!
Roz: I am so sorry. The baby kept me up all night long last night. I'm trying to get her used to her crib, but she just hates to sleep alone.
Frasier: Well, the acorn certainly doesn't fall far from the-

Quote from Roz

Roz: I have got to wake up. I'm on my way to an interview. I mean, I'd kill for a cup of regular coffee, but I'm still nursing so I can't. You know, it was all I could do just to get myself dressed and then feed the baby this morning.
Frasier: Yes, well, next time maybe you should try feeding first and dressing second.
Roz: [noticing a large stain on her shirt] Oh, my God. How did I miss this?
Frasier: On the plus side, it does divert the eye from the blueberries in your teeth.
Roz: What? I can't go to this interview like this.
Frasier: Of course you can.
Roz: Oh, I'm just gonna call and cancel.
Frasier: No, no, no, Roz, please. Just check your teeth, put your jacket on and I swear you'll look every inch the smart career gal on the go. There.
Roz: Thanks, Frasier.
Martin: [entering] Hey, Roz. Is that the newest thing, wearing two different shoes?
Roz: Oh, my God.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Hi, Dad. So, what brings you here?
Martin: Well, I thought you needed a little cheering up. You've been kinda mopey lately.
Frasier: Well, I had kind of a rough night at the wine club. During the blindfolded tasting, I gave four stars to a Mexican Zinfandel.