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Quote from Roz in Dad Loves Sherry, the Boys Just Whine

Niles: A non-fat café, please.
Roz: I'll pay for his too.
Niles: Well, thank you. My day started off with good news and it's already getting better. To what do I owe this largesse?
Roz: Well, I'm having a pretty great day too. You see, a few months ago I took my first tennis lesson...
Niles: And you've finally mastered the backhand?
Roz: No, I haven't played since. But the guy who was teaching me...
Niles: Has won your girlish heart?
Roz: No, he was a loser. But that day he hit me this little dink-shot and I ran for it, stubbed my toe, got this big black toenail that lasted for like three months and today it finally fell off. I can wear sandals again.

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