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Quote from Martin in I'm Listening

Larry: Roz?
Roz: [pulling away from Martin] Larry, hi. This is my dad.
Larry: Hello. You brought your dad on our date?
Roz: Oh, of course not. He was just leaving, aren't you, Dad?
Martin: Yeah, but not until I finish my coffee.
Roz: You don't have any coffee.
Martin: Uh, get me one, would you, Larry?
Frasier: [entering] Dad, what are you doing here? Hi, Roz. [to Larry] Uh, hello.
Larry: Hi. [to Roz] Is your brother joining us too?
Roz: He's not my brother.
Martin: Oh now, that's no way to be. [Roz glares at Martin] Still waiting on that coffee, Lar.

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