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Quote from Frasier in I'm Listening

Frasier: Niles, I-I need your advice on something. Uh, this morning, I-I heard Ronee on the phone make a date with another man.
Niles: Are you sure?
Frasier: I'm positive. She was talking to a man, yes, and in honeyed tones.
Niles: Mmm.
Frasier: Here's my predicament. I don't want to meddle, but I also don't want to see Dad get hurt. So, how do you suggest we tell him?
Niles: "We?"
Frasier: Yes, "we."
Niles: Don't drag me into this, I don't know a thing about it.
Frasier: You know as much as I do, I just briefed you.
Niles: Well, I didn't want to be briefed.
Frasier: Well, then you should have said something, now you're in as deep as I am. You can't unscramble an egg, Niles.

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