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Quote from Daphne in Rooms with a View (Part 2)

Daphne: Oh, no!
Frasier: What, Daph?
Daphne: I don't believe this. Excuse me.
Frasier: What?
Daphne: I was supposed to bring Niles's cell phone, in case any of his patients call so I can refer them to Doctor Wells. Now I'm going to be calling his stupid cell phone every two minutes to check his mailbox.
Frasier: Well, here, let's use my cell phone, all right? We can take turns calling.
Daphne: He asked me to do this one simple thing and I forgot. I'm such an idiot.
Frasier: Now, don't go beating yourself up. You didn't do anything wrong. Come on. I'll dial first.

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