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Quote from Daphne in Bully for Martin

Niles: Look, let's just not talk about Roger this one time, okay.
Daphne: That's impossible. She brings everything back to him.
Niles: Well, just leave it to me.
Daphne: Good luck.
Roz: So what are you guys talking about?
Niles: Um, medieval French history.
Roz: I've always wanted to see Paris.
Niles: Mm-hmm. Thank you.
Roz: Roger says he's going to take me there someday. He says you haven't truly made love...
Niles: Oh, look at this.
Roz: What?
Niles: It says interest rates might go down again.
Daphne: Oh, just when we thought the interest couldn't get any lower.

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