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Quote from Roz in Love Stinks

Roz: "Make Room for Monkeys"? Where did you find this? You know, it's out of print.
Roger: Yeah, well, a certain very bad skater told me it was her favorite book when she was growing up, so I kept my eyes open and I found it in a pile of old books.
Roz: You mean like at the dump?
Roger: No, not a dump. Please, it's a secret underground landfill accessible only to garbage men. And the mole people who live there. I used to be one of them, but then I decided to join the surface dwellers and find my queen.
Roz: Thank you. That's very thoughtful.
Roger: And you will make an excellent mole queen. Of course, after a year underground, your eyes will fuse shut. Your sense of smell will stick around...

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