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Quote from Frasier in The Cranes Go Caribbean

Frasier: It's a woman named Lana.
Lilith: Well, it seems like a textbook simple dream. Why are you calling me?
Frasier: Well, because you know me better than anybody else, and you're a terrific psychiatrist.
Lilith: Thank you.
Frasier: So what do you think?
Lilith: As a working hypothesis, I'd say you have the hots for Lana.
Frasier: No, no, you see. Maybe I'm not making myself clear. You see, the woman irritates me no end. She's antagonistic and, and opinionated. Critical...
Lilith: So I see. What you're saying is unlike most women you've dated, she challenges you.
Frasier: Well, maybe so, that's not the point. You see Claire is perfect for me.

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