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Quote from Daphne in Visions of Daphne

Daphne: Still looking for that TV guide?
Martin: Yeah, it's the damnedest thing. What are you still doing up? Where's Donny?
Daphne: He's on the phone with my folks. He really is wonderful, Mr. Crane.
Martin: I've very happy for you, Daph.
Daphne: Oh my God. I just had that vision again. Only this time... Well, that's a bit scary. My mystery man is standing with some sort of dragon.
Martin: A dragon?
Daphne: Yes, that makes no sense. It must be just what Dr. Crane said, these visions are about my fears.
Martin: I guess.
Daphne: Imagine spending the rest of my life looking for some poor bloke with a dragon.

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