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Quote from Niles in The Focus Group

Frasier: Oh, Niles, to what do we owe this pleasure?
Niles: To an unscrupulous art dealer who's trying to rob me blind. Last night, I was at a gallery opening, and—
Frasier: Niles, is this going to be a long story?
Niles: Moderately.
Frasier: Walk and talk.
Niles: Anyway, I was at this opening, in conversation, when I made a rather emphatic point about pointillism, when I lost the grip on my canapé and found that it became airborne. Well, the next thing I know I'm being confronted by an irate gallery owner who's demanding I reimburse him for the damage to one of his paintings. How he could notice a fleck of foie gras on a Jackson Pollock is beyond me.

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