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Quote from Roz in Freudian Sleep

Frasier: All right, then. Come on, callers, don't be shy. There's still time to talk with the good doctor. Five open lines.Who's this, then, Roz? On line one, uh, whom do we have? I understand we have... Susan, who recently moved here from... Texas.
Frasier: Go ahead, Susan, I'm listening.
Roz: [in a Texan accent] Hi, Dr. Crane. I'm new in town, from Texas, and uh, I just left my husband.
Frasier: I see, and why did you do that?
Roz: Well, uh... [losing the accent] Oh, I know. He was abusive!
Frasier: That couldn't have been easy for you.
Roz: [resuming Texas accent] Well, my girlfriend helped me. We just got in our convertible and drove through the desert, and we stopped at this honky-tonk. I started dancing with this cowboy--long story short, he roughed me up, and my friend killed him--but then we met the cutest cowboy, but he stole all our money, so we robbed a gas station and blew up a tanker truck-
Frasier: Yes, I'm afraid we're out of time. I will finish with you off the air, Susan.

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