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Quote from Frasier in Everyone's a Critic

Frasier: Oh, I am sorry, Niles. Gosh, it's a shame, really. You know, I know how much you loved that job, and to lose it in such an unceremonious fashion.
Niles: Well, you know, I was thinking of quitting that job anyway.
Frasier: Oh?
Niles: Uh-huh. I thought I was spreading myself too thin. Getting distracted from my real work.
Frasier: I had the exact same thought. Even as I was preparing my show, I thought, "Am I being fair to my regular listeners?"
Niles: They do depend on you.
Frasier: As do your patients.
Niles: Thank you.
Frasier: Gosh, you know, is it any wonder we find ourselves ex-critics?
Niles: We were meant to lose those jobs.
Frasier: It's as if the Gods of psychiatry, jealous of our dalliance, have quietly stepped in and put things right.
Niles: Well put.

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