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Quote from Frasier in Radio Wars

Frasier: [answering the phone] Hello?
Carlos: [v.o] Dr. Crane?
Frasier: Yes, who's this?
Carlos: Dr. Kaufmann. Bob Kaufmann of the National Psychotherapy Institute. Oh, my gosh, it's six-fifteen in the morning your time. I hope I didn't wake you.
Frasier: No, no, I was up. Uh, where did you say you were calling from?
Carlos: The National Psychotherapy Institute in Saddle River, New Jersey.
Frasier: Oh, yes, of course. What can I do for you?
Carlos: Oh, for Pete's sake. No one called you? You won our Radio Therapist of the Year Award. Congratulations.
Frasier: ... Well, thank you. Of course, the work itself is honor enough.
Carlos: Thank you. And I'm sorry about the mix-up. The problem is we're going to need some pictures of you so we can get started on the statue.
Frasier: Statue?
Carlos: For our Hall of Thinkers. Angie, he never got the packet!
Frasier: Is there anything I can do?
Carlos: Well, it's a little late now. But maybe if you describe your body we could get started on the preliminary carving. The sculptor's right here. Fortunately, we got Herr Gustav Brumholt.
Frasier: Oh, my.
Chicken: [in a German accent] Ja, ja, Dr. Crane, please, ja?
Frasier: Yes, yes, this is Dr. Crane speaking. Herr Brumholt, may I say, it's quite an honor.
Chicken: Ja, ja, ja. We have your face, very handsome, but I need you to describe your body.
Frasier: Yes, of course. Uh. Six foot one, medium build, broad shoulders, sublimely proportioned...
Chicken: Ja, das gut, ja. But before I order my marble I need you to describe your, um, how do I say this, your, where you sit? Ja?
Frasier: Oh, my posterior, yeah well, that's a little sensitive, isn't it? [laughs]
Chicken: Oh, you don't want to tell me, I understand, it's a big one.
Frasier: No, no, no. I didn't say that.
Chicken: Angie, order the big marble, please. Ja?
Frasier: Would you please put Dr. Kaufmann back on?
Chicken: No, I have a better idea. Why don't you send us a picture of [dropping accent] your immense hindquarters and send it into KACL's new morning team...
Carlos & the Chicken: Carlos And The Chicken!

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