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Quote from Niles in Decoys

Daphne: One of my cousins is going to San Francisco this weekend and I promised I'd fly down.
Niles: That's a shame.
Daphne: Yeah, Donny's not too thrilled about it either. He wanted to come with me.
Niles: And he's not?
Daphne: No. That would have meant staying in a hotel together, and I'm not sure we're ready for that yet. I suppose you think I'm being a bit old-fashioned.
Niles: Dear God in heaven, no!
Daphne: You can't force these things, you have to wait for the moment when you know it's right.
Niles: Yes, and sometimes the moment never comes and you just have to move on.
Daphne: But I really appreciate the invitation and I'll hope you'll invite me again.
Niles: All right. Daphne, how'd you like to see my new lakefront cottage?
Daphne: [laughs] You're silly.

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