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Quote from Frasier in Sweet Dreams

Frasier: Now, it would be a great risk to hire Kenny back, but I'm here to tell you that the man who stops taking risks in life pays a very dear price indeed. I know whereof I speak. I can see that I'm getting through to you, so let me just leave you with one last question: What kind of radio station do you want?
Joe: You know, Dr. Crane, that is the exact question I've been asking myself all through that board meeting. As you know, our ratings are down and the number crunchers in there think they can fix this thing by sucking up to our sponsors. Ha, ha, well that's not what I think.
Frasier: Bravo!
Joe: Thanks to you, I'm going with my gut on this one.
Frasier: You bet you are.
Joe: I'm going to march right in there and tell them that we're doing it my way. No more talk.
Frasier: Exactly, action.
Joe: No. No more talk radio. From this moment on, the station is all Latina music, all the time.
Frasier: I beg your pardon?
Joe: Thank you, Dr. Crane, I'm going back to my roots. I may have walked out of that meeting Joe Martin, corporate sellout. But I'm walking back in José Martinez, risk-taker.

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