Ray Quote #379

Quote from Ray in All I Want For Christmas

Ray: Not the flannel pajamas.
Debra: What?
Ray: What the- When you come to bed wearing that silky thing I know I have a chance, but flannel pajamas. You might as well be wearing a porcupine suit.


 ‘All I Want For Christmas’ Quotes

Quote from Ray

Debra: You just look kind of sexy.
Ray: What?
Debra: You know, with the sweeper, and...
Ray: Sweeper? That's what does it for you?
Debra: No, but just watching you play with the kids this morning and then wearing these silly boxers that they gave you. I don't know, just the fact that you're my husband, you take care of us and the whole picture. Sweeping just put it over the top. [they kiss]
Ray: What are you doing to me here? What? You're killing me!
Debra: I wanted to let you know how I was feeling.
Ray: Well, you can't kiss me like that. It's Christmas. Ally's up. My parents are coming over now.
Debra: I'm sorry.
Ray: You've activated the launch sequence now. What?
Marie: [enters] Merry Christmas!
[As Frank, Marie and Robert enter the living room, Ray grabs a Christmas wreath and holds it in front of his crotch]
Robert: Nice. We usually hang ours on the door.

Quote from Debra

Ray: How about tomorrow?
Debra: No, tomorrow's no good. I'll be Christmas shopping all day. I'm gonna be exhausted. What about Monday?
Ray: No, no, Monday is no good. I'm interviewing Parcells after the Jets-Raiders.
Debra: Well, Ray, when do you want to make this appointment?
Ray: Well, I'm not the one who cancelled the last two appointments.
Ally: Daddy, what's an appointment?
Ray: Well, an appointment is when two people decide to meet.
Debra: Like going to the dentist.
Ally: Oh.
Ray: So sleeping with me is like going to the dentist?
Debra: You both say the same thing: "Sit back, relax, you won't feel a thing."

Quote from Ray

Debra: I'm so tired, Ray.
Ray: Yes, but we had an appointment. Huh, see the rocket ship?
Debra: I know. It's just that I have been Christmas shopping all day then I just got the twins down, and I'm just not in the mood.
Ray: You don't have to be in the mood. I mean, just start and you can get in the mood. It's like- It's like you're invited to a party you don't want to go to, so you figure: "I'm just gonna stop by, say hello." And then you get there, the next thing you know you're swinging at the pinata, wearing a hat.
Debra: I'm not going to the party, Ray.
Ray: You can't just not go. At least send a gift.