Ray Quote #117

Quote from Ray in Captain Nemo

Frank: [enters] There he is come on. Ray that was a great thing you did.
Ray: Not lock the door?
Frank: You stepped aside and let your brother be captain. Look at him. Captain Robert Barone.
Robert: Dad, don't call me that. I'm the same Robert I've always been.
Debra: Congratulations, Robert. We're really happy for you.
Robert: Thank you.
Debra: Isn't that right Ray?
Ray: I share his joy.


 ‘Captain Nemo’ Quotes

Quote from Debra

Debra: And I hate to tell you this, but Michael said his first word today.
Ray: Come on. No.
Debra: Yeah, we were driving along the expressway and this truck cuts us off. And, well, you know, what you always say when that happens to you?
Ray: He said that?
Debra: Clear as a bell.
Ray: Oh, God. Well, how did he say it? Did he punch it out like I do?
Debra: Ray, it was as if you were in the car.

Quote from Marie

Marie: You are some brother.
Ray: Hi, Ma.
Marie: Don't Ma me. I finally got it out of Robert. He's been sitting over there for two days depressed moping not talking to anyone. And you know why?
Ray: Because he's Robert?
Marie: Because his brother sold him down the river for his own glory.
Ray: Hey, Ma, you want to hear what Michael said today?
Debra: No, I think you're about to hear it again.
Ray: Ma, look, I didn't do anything.
Marie: No? You dethroned him and then you took his crown. You're like Richard III. Or that guy on The Young and the Restless.

Quote from Ray

Ray: It's like playing the Globetrotters. I'm waiting for Meadowlark to pull my pants down.