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Quote from Debra in The Shower

Mr. Rodell: Do you make a habit of drinking, getting behind the wheel of a car, putting the key in the ignition, and then taking a nap?
Debra: Oh, no, no. That's not a habit of mine. There was just no one I could call for a ride home.
Mr. Rodell: There are cabs, Mrs. Barone.
Debra: Uh, yes, and that would have been a good idea, but, you see, I couldn't call one because, uh, well, [whispers] my mother-in-law lives across the street, and she would have seen the cab, and then I never would have heard the end of it.
Mr. Rodell: Mrs. Barone, this is not about your mother-in-law.
Debra: Yes, but I'm just trying to show you-
Mr. Rodell: This is about your license.
Debra: You're right. You're right. It was my responsibility, and I screwed up.

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