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Quote from Ray in Ray's Journal

Marie: Really, Raymond, I would think you of all people wouldn't want your daughter to bully boys.
Ray: What are you talking about?
Marie: Seventh grade, Tammy Gellis gave you that black eye.
Ray: Oh my God. I forgot all about that.
Debra: A girl beat you up? A girl named Tammy?
Marie: Tammy socked him and then took away his RC Cola.
Debra: Oh.
Marie: He was so scared to go back to school, he didn't even want to ride the bus.
Ray: Okay, Ma, all right.
Debra: Oh, poor Raymond. Oh, that Tammy sounds like a mean little girl.
Ray: For your information, she wasn't so little, okay? Her nickname was Tank.
Debra: Yeah, right.
Ray: She sued the town to play football.

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