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Quote from Ray in Baggage

Ray: Well, we go away, and we only take the one suitcase with us. We had a good time gettin' away and everything, but when we got home, we were very tired, so we just dropped everything, woke up the gruesome twosome that were here babysitting, and went up to bed. The suitcase was sittin' on the landing. That was two weeks ago. So life just kinda went on, but then, after a few days, I noticed it was still there. At first I thought Debra just hadn't gotten to it yet, but then it was, like, a week.
Robert: So why didn't you just move it yourself?
Ray: Well, because I'm at work all day.
Robert: Oh, and what Debra's doing isn't work?
Ray: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're Mr. Sensitive. What I'm saying is that... Debra's here. She's walkin' by it. It should be drivin' her nuts by now. At that point I was like, "Fine. It doesn't bother her, it doesn't bother me." Then, a few days later, I notice her wearing a sweater that she brought with her on the trip.
Robert: So?
Ray: So that means she took it out of the suitcase. Is that passive-aggressive or what? So you know what I did? I took my clothes out of the suitcase too, and walked right in front of her.
Robert: What did that do?
Ray: Nothin'. Then yesterday I stubbed my toe on the damn thing. So I say to no one in particular, "Huh, that suitcase is still there?" And she goes, "Yeah, I guess it is." So now I definitely know she's not just puttin' off movin' it. She's- She's waitin' me out or somethin'. I'll let you in on a little secret: She's gonna be waitin' a long time.

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