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Quote from Ray in Why Are We Here?

Debra: Can I ask you something? When are you gonna get over your parents?
Ray: Debra, you don't understand what they're like. They're gonna get you, too.
Debra: I know what they're like, Ray. They're very nice people.
Ray: No! You only see them every other month. It's not the same.
Debra: You know, you're overreacting. Completely overreacting.
Ray: Close your eyes for a second.
Debra: Why?
Ray: Just close your eyes. I wanna show you something. [After Debra closes her eyes, Ray flicks her nose] Boink.
Debra: What are you doing?
Ray: Okay, see that's my mom and dad right there. They're just a little annoying. See, if I don't do that for another two months. That's not too bad. I could almost live with that. When we move across the street from them... [repeatedly flicks Debra's face] Boink, boink, boink... How does this feel? You see? They get you.
Debra: Look, first of all your parents are not this okay? [flicks Ray] Secondly, they are not gonna be over every day.
Ray: Oh, you poor, blind, fat lady.

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