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Quote from Debra in Pilot

Debra: I'll tell you one thing, your folks are not coming over on Sunday. That is my birthday, and I should be allowed one day of peace without them. You know what? I want you to call and tell them that that's what we want. They need to get the message that we have our own lives and we're entitled to a little privacy!
Ray: You're right. You're absolutely right.
Debra: So you'll tell them?
Ray: I can't do that.
Debra: What is this hold they have on you? I'm just asking you for me. Please, can we celebrate my birthday alone?
Ray: I can't uninvite them.
Debra: You can't? Then maybe I won't be there.
Ray: No, stop it. Don't. Don't sleep on the couch! I just cleaned down there.

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