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Quote from Mr. Omar in Everybody Hates Snow Day

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Back at home, Drew and Tonya were monopolizing all of Mr. Omar's time.
Drew: Boardwalk with a hotel. Looks like somebody owes me $2,000.
Mr. Omar: Dang. Tragic.
Tonya: Mr. Omar, how come every time we see you with a woman, their husband just died?
Mr. Omar: Well, that's because I'm a funeral director, baby.
Tonya: But when the wives die, how come you don't make friends with the husbands?
Mr. Omar: Oh, well, men don't need as much attention.
Drew: Man, if my wife died, I'd be crying, sitting at home by myself wondering what I'm gonna do, how to go on. I'd be wishing anybody would talk to me.
Mr. Omar: Well, women are sensitive, you know, in a different kind of way.
Tonya: Oh, I thought that women were like that because they were desperate.
Mr. Omar: Roll the dice, baby.

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