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Quote from Mr. Omar in Everybody Hates the BFD

Mr. Omar: Now, look, I need you to collate these, fold these, take both of them, slide them into here, okay? I need you to iron that shirt, take the suit to the cleaners, shine my shoes, get me a paper on the corner... I got a lotta more stuff for you to do later. Oh, the Death Jubilee is all day tomorrow, so get your rest.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] You mean get your rest in peace.
Chris: Now when you think I'll be done?
Mr. Omar: Oh, you should be done by Tuesday.
Chris: Tuesday? But I have somewhere to go on Monday.
Mr. Omar: Go on Tuesday.
Chris: I can't.
Mr. Omar: Tragic.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Not as tragic as missing Run-DMC.

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