Norm Quote #764

Quote from Norm in Loverboyd

Norm: [enters] Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm!
Woody: Nice cold beer coming up, Mr. Peterson.
Norm: You mean "nice cold beer going down Mr. Peterson."


 ‘Loverboyd’ Quotes

Quote from Norm

Norm: [enters] Evening, everybody.
All: Norm!
Sam: What do you know there, Norm?
Norm: How to sit, how to drink. Want to quiz me?

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Wow. Kelly going to study in Europe. It'll be tough on you, Woody, but, boy, what an opportunity for her.
Woody: Yeah. You're right, Miss Howe.
Rebecca: Yeah, and if I know her father, she's not gonna have to do it like I did... Backpacking, hanging out in seedy youth hostels, hitching rides with sleazy locals who use their inability to speak English as an excuse to give you directions on your sweater. That sweet, little Kelly girl will get everything handed to her on a silver platter. I hope she chokes on Europe.

Quote from Rebecca

Woody: I just can't think straight, Sam. I've really blown it with Kelly. Now she's gonna go off and marry one of those worldly European guys for sure.
Rebecca: Woody, nothing like that's going to happen.
Woody: Really, Miss Howe?
Rebecca: No, Woody. Those wealthy European royals aren't good enough for Princess Button Nose and her daddy.
Carla: So, Becks, what's this thing you have against rich people? You're dating a rich guy, and you want to be rich yourself, right?
Rebecca: Yes. And when I'm rich, I will stop hating rich people. And start hating poor people. That's the American way. [high-fives Carla]