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Quote from Rebecca in Go Make

Rebecca: I'm sorry. I hope I didn't ruin the moment. Just, I was standing out in the hall naked. The door slammed shut, and I didn't have any place else to go. Anyway, if you if you could just loan me a robe, I l can wait back out in the hall.
Bride: No, no, there's a robe you can use in the bathroom. Larry will go look for what's his name... Sam?
Rebecca: Sam. Sam. Oh, you can't miss him. He's a big galoot with a lantern jaw. [o.s.] Have you ever been naked in a hotel hallway? The sailors just come out of the woodwork.
Groom: Don't worry, miss, I'll find him and come right back. [starts kissing his wife]
Rebecca: [o.s.] See, I was in the bathroom taking a bath, and I-I was talking to Sam, but he wasn't really even listening to me. I mean, I- I guess he decided to go down to the store and get some gum or something. I don't know, and it was it was like he he didn't even know that I was... alive.

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