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Quote from Sam in The Improbable Dream (Part 2)

Frasier: Well, perhaps your dreams are trying to tell you about something too frightening for waking life.
Sam: Like what?
Frasier: Well, like you care. You care about Rebecca.
Sam: Come on, Frasier, you know me. How can I care about her? We haven't done the main thing I care about.
Frasier: Forgive me, Sam. I forgot about your high moral standards.
Lilith: You mean to say that you can't care about a woman unless you sleep with her first?
Sam: Well, yeah. I got this kind of caring mechanism that only gets switched on by a naked trip to the love zoo.
Lilith: You're kidding.
Sam: Well, no, it doesn't always get switched on. I mean, sometimes I go to bed with a babe and find out I don't care, but by then, who cares?
Lilith: Lovely.
Sam: Aw, come on, Lilith, don't get me wrong. If I do care, I'm as loyal as a dog.
Lilith: Dog would be the right term, yes.
Sam: [scoffs] Care about Rebecca.

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