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Quote from Rebecca in Death Takes a Holiday On Ice

Sam: Can I help you?
Gordie Brown: Yeah. My name's Gordie Brown. I worked with Eddie LeBec in the ice show. Ah, this bar... It's just like Eddie described it.
Carla: You knew Eddie, huh?
Gordie Brown: Knew him? He saved my life. Yeah, I knew him.
Sam: You're the penguin he pushed out of the way from the Zamboni?
Gordie Brown: Yeah. Wrenched the hell out of my thumb, too. He didn't have to push me so hard.
Carla: What do you want?
Gordie Brown: Well, I tried to explain this to you at the funeral, but someone had their fist in my mouth. Hey, it was her.
Rebecca: Man, you punch a couple of guys out at a funeral, and everybody's on your case.

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