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Quote from Norm in King of the Hill

Steve: Hey, Norm, your car's unlocked. Someone might steal your laundry.
Norm: What laundry?
Steve: That big, lumpy bundle on the front seat of your car.
Norm: Oh, that's my mother-in-law. She had kind of a rough flight and she nodded out the second she hit the upholstery.
Diane: And you left her out there in an unattended automobile?
Norm: I threw a blanket over her and I left her a note in case she comes to.
Diane: She's lucky to have you as a son-in-law, Norman.
Norm: Yeah. I give her the red-carpet treatment, I guess. [hands bar nuts to a passing man] Hey, pal. Could you do me a favor and toss these in the blue Civic out in front?

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