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Quote from Rebecca in Wedding Bell Blues

Robin: All right, so, you loved me for my money. Well, what if I were to tell you that I had $6 million stashed away in a money belt before my arrest? Now, would that make any difference?
Rebecca: No. No, it wouldn't.
Robin: I see. [clicks tongue] Well...
[Robin pulls a drawer out of Rebecca's desk, flips it over and removes a black belt]
Rebecca: What's that?
Robin: $6 million. Farewell, Rebecca. [exits]
Sam: [enters] Honey, I hope you don't mind, but I was listening outside. I can't believe you turned down all that cash! You're changing, honey. That was the bravest thing I've ever seen you do!
Rebecca: [sobbing] I thought he was bluffing, Sam! [rushes past Sam] Just let me go!
Sam: No! No! No!

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