Rebecca: Wait a minute. Here we have a man who doesn't know how to promote his business. And here we have a woman who knows everything about promotion, but has never really been given a chance. Now, if I can turn a beer-guzzling nobody into a successful businessman, then those guys down there at corporate will see that I can do anything.
Norm: Uh, much as I love your pitch, Rebecca, uh, I'm not comfortable working with friends.
Rebecca: Oh, forget about friends. In the cold light of reason, consider this: Please, please, please, for Becky?
Norm: Nah, nah, I'd rather work by myself.
Rebecca: Okay, fine, Norm, fine. I'll just go back to what I was doing. Going over these delinquent bar accounts. Whoa. Now there's a rather huge one in the "P" section.
Norm: [sighs] Welcome to Team Peterson.