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Quote from Norm in Norm, Is That You?

Kim: Norman, I pride myself on being a very perceptive person. Now, is something amiss?
Norm: [nods] Yeah. Sam and I have had a tiff.
Robert: Look. Maybe meeting Michael is just the thing you need. I mean, he lives right around the corner. Kim, go call him.
Norm: No. No, no, no, no, no, folks, please. I can't go on with this any longer. Look, I don't care if it costs me the job. I got to tell you the truth, okay? I wanted to be your decorator, so I pretended to be who I thought you wanted me to be, but it's time that I came out of the closet. I'm straight.
Robert: Impossible. [Kim laughs]
Norm: No, no, I- I... Ever since I was a little boy, I've known that I preferred girls. Actually, I'm a guy with a wife. I mean, uh, I sleep with Vera. Well, you know, I sleep next to her. Actually, it's in the room next to her, but, uh, I do keep the door open. [sighs] But the point is, you know, I think you should judge people for what they do, not for who they do.

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