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Quote from Norm in Love Thy Neighbor

Woody: You all right, Mr. Peterson? You've been awful quiet tonight.
Norm: I was thinking about a high school football game, actually. That was a long time ago, Woody. And far away from here. We were playing our archrivals for the state championship, you know? And I saw the cutest little cheerleader that I've ever seen in my life just cheering her heart out. Yeah. I looked at her, and the sun seemed to be shining only where she stood. You know what I mean? And she seemed to be everything that was bright and pure and good. I knew right then and there that I wanted to make that little gal my wife. So I turned to Vera, and I said, "Honey, would you mind introducing me to that cheerleader?" I'm joking, Woody. Of course that little cheerleader was Vera.
Woody: Hey, can I ask you a question, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Sure, Woody.
Woody: Who won the game?
Norm: You know, I really couldn't tell you who won, Woody, but tonight I sure know who lost.
Woody: Well, can't you figure it out from that?
Norm: Could I have another beer, please?

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