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Quote from Lucille in Saving for Arraignment Day

Narrator: But there was nothing that could prepare them for the shock of seeing the bailiff lead their son into the courtroom.
Lucille: [gasps] I cannot believe this.
George Sr.: This is the guy who used to bring me out during my trials. Oh, God, it's great to see you, Chuck.
Lucille: Oh! I remember Chuck. You used to catch him when he'd run.
CJ: Actually, I'm Chuck's son.
George Sr.: No. You're little CJ?
CJ: Mm-hmm.
Lucille: Your parents must be so proud.
CJ: [chuckles] Well, I'm sure every parent is proud of their... Well, why don't I just chain your boy to the bench here?
Lucille: That would be fine. Thank you.

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