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Quote from George Sr. in Borderline Personalities

Narrator: And soon the retreat was up and running, and George Sr. was determined to create the illusion of a first-class experience. The seminar was reasonably priced at $1,000. The sweat and squeeze was simple. First, George Sr. sweated out his acolytes' defenses.
George Sr.: Oh, come on, Daniels! You ran Bear Stearns, for God's sake! I was like this. Then I went to the desert to seek answers, and now I have them.
Narrator: And then it was time for the squeeze.
George Sr.: And for another 15 grand, you can have them, too. I'll teach you how to get yachts, I'll teach you how to get penthouses, and how to get something for yourself by taking it from someone who thinks it's his.
Man: Does it come with lemonade?
George Sr.: It comes with all the lemonade you can drink.
Narrator: "Squeeze" had two meanings.
George Sr.: Who's in? Sign 'em up. Sign 'em up. Come on, get your wallets out, let's go, guys.

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