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Quote from George Michael in It Gets Better

George Michael: I mean, if we could make something like that, it could be bigger than Facebook. I mean, who wouldn't want something like that? You think you can do it?
P-Hound: No.
George Michael: No, of course not. No. I mean, this is my chance with Maeby, and I can't even get rid of my own father. You know, what if we just did a vote. Just the roommates? We do a quick vote, and it's, "Ciao, Fathero."
P-Hound: He's going to know who voted against him.
George Michael: Not if I get him to vote against himself.
P-Hound: Why would he do that?
George Michael: No, he wouldn't. He I was just leaning back, so it looked like I... I got this chair again, didn't I? Maybe I just need to be clear and just say, "I'm putting up a wall." We need to rework our whole system here."
Michael: Sounds like you guys are working on your privacy software, huh?
Narrator: And, long story short, Michael did end up embracing the voting-out-a-roommate idea.

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