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Quote from Melissa in Wrong Delivery

Jacob: Ah! All dressep up for the big dip in the Shark Tank today?
Melissa: What? No. I got to go to court later for throwing a corn cob at Ben Simmons.
Jacob: Wait, so you're not gonna make a presentation?
Melissa: No! I'm not gonna humiliate myself, and I don't know anybody else who would, either.
Janine: I stayed up all night making my presentation.
Melissa: Of course you did.
Janine: I'm gonna win that grant money and turn Abbott into a crown jewel of the neighborhood.
Jacob: Crown jewel?
Janine: It'll be us and that corner store that still sells loosies.
Melissa: You know, in the end times, it's just gonna be cockroaches roaming the empty streets and Janine holding up a sign that says "Turn that frown upside down."

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